
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

This term have been learning to describe. what my friend and I am doing using simple sentences.

This term I have been describing Maori words with my friends.

To be successful we needed to know the kupu Maori for me (ahua) you (koe) he/she (Ia)
Use E aha Ana to ask (what).

Say how I know that I learned something and what is was.
Say what I liked didn't like found easy, found hard, about the learning.
Say something about what your next learning step is.

I don't have a video.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheyahni,
    Please edit this post so that you finish the last part. I want you to say what you learnt, found easy or hard about the learning. You may put a photo of yourself in this post if you want


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