
Thursday, April 13, 2017

This is what we do for karanga.

Karanga What is a karanga? A spiritual call heard across many generations Who performs a karanga? Kotiro/Wahine Why do we have a karanga? To cherish those of our wairua tikanga from spiritual to living How many types of karanga do I know? Karanga for our Tupuna Karanga for our Manuhiri Karanga for our Kura Why are the responsibilities of a kai karanga? Explain to our manuhiri piece by piece, about the tikanga of our role that our karanga take part of. Share our kaupapa with our manuhiri and our tradition of our karanga. From Start to end we must show courage for our manuhiri so we all feel the wairua that strengthens our hearts. Kaikaranga - Be Prepared Skirt Karanga - Know what you're going to present Do Not Turn Your Back To Our Manuhiri Be an excellent host show manuhiri where to go For a cup of tea Toilets Classroom Drinking fountains Make sure our manuhiri gets a biscuits Karakia for our Biscuits Actual Karanga KK1: Haere mai (3x) 2: KK2: Haere mai ki te Kura o Tautoro KK1: Haere mai (3x) KK1/2: Whakatau mai ra (3x) Once manuhiri have finished shaking hands. How does a karanga make you feel The first time I did the karanga I felt butterflies in my stummck. Whahine only do karanga to powiri people. I will like the oppetuntiy to do karanga but I don’t have the time to do it.

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