
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

No Whea ahua.

Nō Whea Ahau?

‘‘E Koro, nō whea ahau’’
‘‘ Grandpa, where am I from?’’
‘‘ Haere mai, e moko. Māku koe e whakaatu.’’
‘‘ Come my moko, I will show you.’’
‘‘ Ko Whitireia te maunga.’’
‘‘ My mountain is Whitireia.’’
‘‘ Ko Parirua te awa.’’
‘‘ My river is Parirua.’’
‘‘ Ko Tainui te waka.’’
‘‘ My waka is Tainui.’’
‘‘ Ko Ngāti Te Maunu te hapu.’’
‘‘ My hapu is Ngāti te Maunu.’’
‘‘ Ko Ngāti Toa Rangatira te iwi.’’
‘‘ My iwi is Ngāti Toa Rangatira.’’
‘‘ Ko Takapūwahia te marae.’’
‘‘ My marae is Takapūwahia
‘‘ Ko Toa Rangatira te whare tupuna.
‘‘ My whare tupuna is Toa Rangatira.’’
‘‘ Parehounuku te whare kai.’’
‘‘ My wharekai is Parehounuku.’’

‘‘ Ko Whitireia te maunga.’’
‘‘ My mountain is Whitireia.’’
‘‘ Ko Parirua te awa.’’
‘‘ My river is Parirua.’’
‘‘ Ko Tainui te waka.’’
‘‘ My waka is Tainui.’’
‘‘ Ko Ngāti Te Maunu te hapu.’’
‘‘ My hapu is Ngāti te Maunu.’’
‘‘ Ko Ngāti Toa Rangatira te iwi.’’
‘‘ My iwi is Ngāti Toa Rangatira.’’
‘‘ Ko Takapūwahia te marae.’’
‘‘ My marae is Takapūwahia
‘‘ Ko Toa Rangatira te whare tupuna.
‘‘ My whare tupuna is Toa Rangatira.’’
‘‘ Parehounuku te whare kai.’’
‘‘ My wharekai is Parehounuku.’’
Ko Aleina Aruthur toku ingoa
‘‘ My name is Aleina Aruthur.’’

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheyahni, It's Sachary from St. Pats and I'm here to tell you that I really like the information you gave me and that I can learn these maori words too.


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