
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Te reo Tuhituhi.

Tense Markers in Te Reo Maori…

Past tense markers…
Kau…………….ahau               Kua haere ahau ki te taone.

Future tense markers
Ka…………….Ahua                 Eg:Ka haere ahau ki te taone.

Present tense makers
E………………...Ana ahau
Kei te…………...ahua              Eg.E haere ana ahau ki te taone.

Start writing down.

I roto i e  harea  ahua haere ki kirikiriroa ki kite toku mama a papa.

Te tuatahi mea ahua I ko ahau harea ki harea ki te koka whare.
Ka ahua kite

This is the wahi document.

Where the prootds rested
Village of the karaka threee
Whashing the buttocks
Great cascade
Piercing the sky
One who eats wind
To throw a spear
The muka streams
To make a rumbling sound
Shallow water
Mangonui a wai
Scratch out of the ground
Half cooked hangi
Te ngaere
The swamp
Rising sun east
The waiting place of the owls

This is what we do for karanga.

Karanga What is a karanga? A spiritual call heard across many generations Who performs a karanga? Kotiro/Wahine Why do we have a karanga? To cherish those of our wairua tikanga from spiritual to living How many types of karanga do I know? Karanga for our Tupuna Karanga for our Manuhiri Karanga for our Kura Why are the responsibilities of a kai karanga? Explain to our manuhiri piece by piece, about the tikanga of our role that our karanga take part of. Share our kaupapa with our manuhiri and our tradition of our karanga. From Start to end we must show courage for our manuhiri so we all feel the wairua that strengthens our hearts. Kaikaranga - Be Prepared Skirt Karanga - Know what you're going to present Do Not Turn Your Back To Our Manuhiri Be an excellent host show manuhiri where to go For a cup of tea Toilets Classroom Drinking fountains Make sure our manuhiri gets a biscuits Karakia for our Biscuits Actual Karanga KK1: Haere mai (3x) 2: KK2: Haere mai ki te Kura o Tautoro KK1: Haere mai (3x) KK1/2: Whakatau mai ra (3x) Once manuhiri have finished shaking hands. How does a karanga make you feel The first time I did the karanga I felt butterflies in my stummck. Whahine only do karanga to powiri people. I will like the oppetuntiy to do karanga but I don’t have the time to do it.

This is the new song that we sunge.

Tena i Karawhiua
Toia mai i te waka
Kumea mai i te waka  (he)
ki te urunga te waka   (he)
ki te moenga te waka  (he)
Ki te takato ranga i take to i e te waka

A Hikunuku A Hikurangi e
A Hikurangi e A Hikunuku e
I a haha
A he A he A he.

Te reo kupu hou.

This is a fraction of a number.

This is the Oreo persuasive.

This is my basic music Instriment.

This is the nga mihi skit.

sheyahni- Kia ora kohatu
Hello kohatu
sheyahni-Kia ora e tama
Hello kohatu
Sheyahni -E aha ana koe
What are you doing?
Kohatu -E hikoi ki nga toa
I am going to walk to the shop
(Sheyahni walks in through the door)

Sheyahni-Kia ora mama
Hello Mother
Sheyahni -kia ora taitamariki
Hello child
Sheyahni-Ko wai to Hoa
Who is your friend?
hohatu-Ko sheyahni toku Hoa
sheyahni is my friend

Kohatu -Mama e kai ana ahau
Mum I’m hungry
Sheyahni - Ko tata te kai  
The kai is almost ready

Sheyahni-ahau e kore ahau e ite hiakai, ite i mate, me te kore ahau e kai ahau.
I don’t feel hungry,I feel sick and i am not going to eat.

(After eating)
Kohatu-Titiro i te wa, kia haere i te fare i teie nei.

Sheyhni-Oh,Pai haere

Kohatu and I-ka ki te  (To each others).

This is the karakia that we do before we cut the karakia.

Unuhia te rito o te harakeke
Kei hea te komako e ke
Whakataerangi tia
Rere ri uta, rere ki mai
Ui mai ki ahau
He aha te mea nui
Maku e ki atu
He tangata,he tangata,he tangata
Tihei mauri ora.

My Idear sustaniable.

My Idear Sustainable Garden.

This team of boys and girls of Rm4 will be competing in a garden group competition.
The rules are simple.

  • Produce an edible garden that is sustainable for the whole year.
  • This means that each group must…….
Plant seasonally
Maintain healthy soil
Produce healthy organic plants
Maintain and gather food throughout the year

No modern man made synthetic fertiliser.
Cow/Horse/Sheep/Chicken poo.
Vegetable and fruit pear food scraps
Kina shells,thula of the pawa seaweed fish frames+head in the water
Comfrey tea (leaves in water)

No insecticides./Poisons.

How do we attract the bees?
How do we get rid of insects pest.

NZ plantes (vegabless)

Growing time.
Our vegetables need to be ready for punga.(Matariki)
Sturdy vegetables plants-Raindrops in temperate lack of sun frost.

Act 1
Find the planets suitable for your garden.
Act 2
Design a garden design.

First Kura,tisha,amira,tumanako,I did our part of the garden and we had a race to do our part of the garden.We learnt how to pick out weeds.We found out that we whone our race in the garden race that we whone.

This is my story that we read with Miss simeon.

Apr 4, 2017 9:36:36 AM.jpg
W.A.L.T; describe a scene using Te reo Maori
Sentence structures.
He whare rakau tēnei.He rakau tēnei.
Toku tahi te rakau.
He kuri tēnei.
He harikoa te tamaiti
Kei runga te kuri i a papatuanuku
Kei roto te tamaiti i te wharerakau
He pai te ahua o te pai.
He kakariki te kararehe.
He purū te hati,kikorangi.
He paraone, me pango me mā nga toe o tr kuri.

This is my book that I am reading.

Name of book-something weird about Mrs foster.
Author: ken cartan.

How many pages read today:4

A brief synopsis of what you:

This book today is about mrs foster and his long arm
And long neck and eye.

This is how we do leadership.

Image result for leadership
I think that if we have prefects then we will have the besties roll modes in the world. That's why I think we should have prefects in our school. We can be role models at Tautoro School.

Firstly I think we should prefects in our school because our Tuakana can show the taina what they should be doing. I think we should have prefects because we can teach the taina what to do in the playground or out somewhere in the grounds of tautoro school.

Second reason why I think we should have prefects in our school because we can help the teaches in our work and what they do. We can help around the school with the rubbish and the kitchen.

Third reason why I think we should have prefects in our school because when other people come from other schools or country we can tell them what they can do and what they can’t do.

Fourthly  why we can have prefects in our school because when we go to tournaments and we have been listening to the teachers we can past Rahiri.I we haven’t be listening to the teacher we will be not allowed to be pasting our tupuna.

Firth reason why we should have leaders  in school so when the little ones grow up they can look back and teach the other people.The tuakana that will still be in our school we should do it again when the other people leave to Northland college and Okaihau college.Thanks when we could help the taina.

Lastly why we should have school leaders is that the school is safe and sound and there would be no fightings.That's why fighting is not allowed at any Schools.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Under the mountain part 2.

Under the mountain.

In this book the main people are the to twins.One day they where with their father where he had worked and the Twins  wondered off and got lost.That day the father had been looking for them,so he went back to the house at the farm and Told the mother to ring the Cops.100 people ,dog and Cop.This lady had seen them out of the motel wind and was watching them.She told a old man and He had went to go and look for them and He had found them in a fern bush and said ’You are the chosen ones.One night a policeman had crashed by the Lake and Was yelling their names and They could not have listened to him.

Under the mountain (2)

The next day the twins had woken up and the man said. “Come on get your bags ready.”
He lifted up the suitcase and said. “Come on I’ll take your's back to your home, come on hurry jump in the truck.”
Theo  and Rachel jumped into the truck and went to the road.The truck big huge tyers and flames on the side,They went on to the other side of the lake and seen their house and jumped out and ran inside and their mum was at the door waiting for them. When they walked into the door the mother hugged them very hard. After the mother had hugged them, she told Rick to take their bags up to the bedroom.
They went to go play and it was getting dark and one of the twins had seen people sitting on the edge of where the lake was and they were  wearing dark cloths and the lake was getting dark and so were they.As soon as the last light of the sky went by  the lake looked like it was deep and secret.Rick had called out to theo and rachel to come inside because it was getting dark.

This the storm that happaned in tautoro.

Debbies storm in tautoro.

Ua ite ahau e i scaring ahau i ahau i roto i te ruma.
i kite ahau e ina haere mai tatou i pukapuka kaua Jacobs kite tatou i te motokā e tuki ki te rakau, a tuki te taraka takiuru ki te motokā whero.
i kitea e ahau i reira i roto i Tautoro ina haere mai tatou ki te kura i runga i te pahi kura Tautoro.kite ahau i te taraka me te motokā i tenei ra i runga i te ara ki te school.And kitea e ahau i te reira i 7:40.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

This is my first Te Reo Maori.

I roto i te wiki ka haere ahau ki te kēmu wiwi i te whutupaoro āpure riro nga tamariki o nga wiwi ratou kēmu ki te lions.But nga raiona mahi i täiäwhio pai hea ratou pai i pūtake.I roto i te wiki ka haere ahau ki te kēmu wiwi i te whutupaoro āpure riro nga tamariki o nga wiwi ratou kēmu ki te lions.But nga raiona mahi i täiäwhio pai hea ratou pai i pūtake.

Kei Roto i te Moana.

This is the manuhiri that come from chicago.

This is how we do Karanga at Tautoro school.

The storm in Tautoro.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

This is my beautiful goals.

This is the bar graph that what we should do with organic waste.

I am learning to read data displays and make statements about it.

  1. Why are titles so important? So the readers know what you are talking about.
  2. What information is given on the Y axis? The amount of people who agreed.
  3. What information is given on the x axis? The thing that people do with their organic waste.
  4. How many more people give their waste to animals than for compost? They give 4 more than the compost.
  5. Write a statement about this information.
9 people from tautoro school use the organic waste.To make the compost.

The Dbbie storm in tautoro.

Debbies storm in tautoro.

Ua ite ahau e i scaring ahau i ahau i roto i te ruma.
i kite ahau e ina haere mai tatou i pukapuka kaua Jacobs kite tatou i te motokā e tuki ki te rakau, a tuki te taraka takiuru ki te motokā whero.
i kitea e ahau i reira i roto i Tautoro ina haere mai tatou ki te kura i runga i te pahi kura Tautoro.kite ahau i te taraka me te motokā i tenei ra i runga i te ara ki te school.And kitea e ahau i te reira i 7:40.

The new song of ko ma tau.

Topou 2 people